Ministry Training Update

Healthy Churches are Built on Christ and His Teachings … Alone.


Last week I had a wonderful time with pastors and church leaders in the Larkeyta township.

We have a pastoral network we regularly encourage and support since 2004. We began looking at the church because many of our fellowships are experiencing disloyalty issues, lack of commitment and so forth.

The church is birthed when we preach the Gospel to unbelievers and accept Christ and believe. The church is a gathering of those who profess faith in Christ, are baptized, gather for regular fellowship, and for teaching from God's word so that the believers grow to maturity. Otherwise we can gather people based on our connection or popularity without these people really knowing Christ instead they follow you. Beloved God brings us together irrespective of our tribe, social class or background.

  1. Who are you leading right now?

  2. What are you teaching?

  3. Are you developing leaders or followers?

A healthy church is built on Christ and his teachings.


LEADLiberia Update - Keeping Hope Alive!


Thanks for praying for us and the ministry in Liberia. Despite the challenges God has been gracious through it all. Our year has been a mixture of great events and struggles a like. However, we are still able to keep hope alive.

Ministry has been great. We have continued to travel visiting our networks and holding key training and mentoring relationships. We continue to encourage sustainable initiatives by our networks and some them are working together on these sustainable ventures. Our servant leadership emphasis keeps drawing churches to invite us to train their leaders. Small group meetings are yielding much results then our normal large gatherings.  I am giving a lot of time to small group meetings and mentoring and coaching of emerging leaders as way of being intentional about building the next generation of leaders.

Our mobility was greatly enhanced when the Lord provided us a brand new Landcruiser truck in 2016. It is indeed the best vehicle for our terrain. However, after three years of running we are needing major repairs. That is the only vehicle I have now that I use for ministry, family and farm.

Our farm activities have been quite a challenge, but we have made significant strides in our sustainable ventures. Our animal husbandry program suffered setbacks when our bull got bitten by snake and goats (6) died. However, we are still rebuilding our animal stuck. Our pigs are doing well. We started with a pair two years ago and we now have 30 pigs. The goal of our animal project is to be able to give animals to families willing to raise them as a way of empowering them. By next year we will identify potential beneficiaries for the pigs. We are working on fencing for our goats and local chicken breeding. We still have challenges with our fencing because of a lot of termites on the property. It is making fencing very expensive to undertake. However, we are hoping to achieve this as God makes provision. 

We are thankful for people who are holding the rope as we serve the Lord on the front line without which life could literally be unbearable. It is the fervent prayer that keeps making the difference here.

Please continue to pray for family health, housing and the two special need children we’ve taken in.



Leadership Lesson 1 - The Credit and the Glory are HIS


As a leader you always take the blame for things not done or when you fail to make decisions at the spur of a moment, but folks take the credit for success even without making any reference to you.

You always have to keep your head up and know that the one you are following went thru the same. Do not worry about who gets the credit, because at the end of time the only flag that will fly is the flag of Jesus Christ — King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

At that time we will all, great and small, die to our names and all our trophies surender at His feet. Oh what a day that will be! Sola Gloria"(His glory alone), "Sola Christo" (Christ alone)!